Second International "Cetraro" Workshop
& NATO Advanced Research Workshop

Resort "Dubna" - Alushta, Crimea
August 31 - September 5, 2002

Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Bogolyubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Dubna, Russia

Universitàdella Calabria & INFN - Cosenza

Crimean scenery

The Workshop covers the following subjects:

  1. Phenomenology of soft and hard diffractive processes in hadron-, photon-induced and nuclear collisions:
    • elastic scattering;
    • single and double diffraction; double Pomeron exchange;
    • analysis of cosmic ray data;
    • color evaporation mechanisms and models;
    • color transparency;
    • inelastic diffraction in gamma-gamma interactions.
  2. Diffraction in Deep inelastic scattering (DIS):
    • survival of large rapidity gaps;
    • small-x structure functions;
    • DGLAP and BFKL evolution equations in DIS;
    • fracture functions;
    • skewed parton distributions;
    • final state interactions: jets; can diffraction shed light on the production of new particles?
    • deeply virtual Compton scattering;
    • leading baryon production.
  3. Diffraction in QCD:
    • perturbative QCD in the next-to-leading order and the Pomeron intercept;
    • Pomeron from non-perturbative QCD;
    • QCD-based models for the Pomeron;
    • Pomeron trajectory and glueball spectroscopy.
  4. Experimental results and predictions for future experiments:
    • HERA: H1 and Zeus results;
    • Photo- and electro-production of vector mesons;
    • Tevatron: CDF and D0 results;
    • future programs at HERA, LHC, RHIC and Tevatron.

International Advisory Committee

M. Arneodo ZEUS
J. Bjorken SLAC
A. Brandt FNAL
S. Brodsky SLAC
A. Capella Orsay
V.S. Fadin Novosibirsk
L. Frankfurt Tel Aviv
K. Goulianos New York
A.B. Kaidalov Moscow
P. Landshoff Cambridge
E. Levin Tel Aviv
L.N. Lipatov St. Petersburg
G. Matthiae Rome
P. Marage Brussels
L. McLerran Brookhaven
A. Levy Tel Aviv
N.N. Nikolaev Juelich & Moscow
F. Paccanoni Padova
G. Pancheri Frascati
E. Predazzi Torino
A. Santoro Rio de Janeiro
J. Whitmore Penn. Univ.

International Organizing Committee

P. N. Bogolyubov  Dubna
Alla Borisenko  Kiev
R. Fiore Cosenza - Co-Director
L. L. Jenkovszky Kiev - Co-Director
V. K. Magas  Kiev, Lisbon
M. I. Kotsky  Cosenza, Novosibirsk
A. Papa Cosenza
Olga Ugriumova  Kiev
Zoya Vakhnenko  Kiev
A.G.Zagorodny Kiev - Chairman of the Local Committee