Second International "Cetraro" Workshop
& NATO Advanced Research Workshop
Resort "Dubna" - Alushta, Crimea
August 31 - September 5, 2002
Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Bogolyubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Dubna, Russia
Universitàdella Calabria & INFN - Cosenza

The Workshop covers the following subjects:
- Phenomenology of soft and hard diffractive processes in hadron-,
photon-induced and nuclear collisions:
- elastic scattering;
- single and double diffraction; double Pomeron exchange;
- analysis of cosmic ray data;
- color evaporation mechanisms and models;
- color transparency;
- inelastic diffraction in gamma-gamma interactions.
- Diffraction in Deep inelastic scattering (DIS):
- survival of large rapidity gaps;
- small-x structure functions;
- DGLAP and BFKL evolution equations in DIS;
- fracture functions;
- skewed parton distributions;
- final state interactions: jets; can diffraction shed light on the production of new particles?
- deeply virtual Compton scattering;
- leading baryon production.
- Diffraction in QCD:
- perturbative QCD in the next-to-leading order and the Pomeron intercept;
- Pomeron from non-perturbative QCD;
- QCD-based models for the Pomeron;
- Pomeron trajectory and glueball spectroscopy.
- Experimental results and predictions for future experiments:
- HERA: H1 and Zeus results;
- Photo- and electro-production of vector mesons;
- Tevatron: CDF and D0 results;
- future programs at HERA, LHC, RHIC and Tevatron.
International Advisory Committee
M. Arneodo | ZEUS |
J. Bjorken | SLAC |
A. Brandt | FNAL |
S. Brodsky | SLAC |
A. Capella | Orsay |
V.S. Fadin | Novosibirsk |
L. Frankfurt | Tel Aviv |
K. Goulianos | New York |
A.B. Kaidalov | Moscow |
P. Landshoff | Cambridge |
E. Levin | Tel Aviv |
L.N. Lipatov | St. Petersburg |
G. Matthiae | Rome |
P. Marage | Brussels |
L. McLerran | Brookhaven |
A. Levy | Tel Aviv |
N.N. Nikolaev | Juelich & Moscow |
F. Paccanoni | Padova |
G. Pancheri | Frascati |
E. Predazzi | Torino |
A. Santoro | Rio de Janeiro |
J. Whitmore | Penn. Univ. |
International Organizing Committee
P. N. Bogolyubov | Dubna |
Alla Borisenko | Kiev |
R. Fiore | Cosenza - Co-Director |
L. L. Jenkovszky | Kiev - Co-Director |
V. K. Magas | Kiev, Lisbon |
M. I. Kotsky | Cosenza, Novosibirsk |
A. Papa | Cosenza |
Olga Ugriumova | Kiev |
Zoya Vakhnenko | Kiev |
A.G.Zagorodny | Kiev - Chairman of the Local Committee |