Welcome to the Summer School and Conference
40 Years of the Bogolyubov
Institute for Theoretical Physics
40 Years of the "Parus" sanatorium
20 Years of the "Crimean" Conferences
(experiment, phenomenology, theory)
Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine
September 16-23, 2006
Bogolyubov Institute
for Theoretical Physics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Bogolyubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

International Advisory Committee:
M. Arneodo(Torino), P.N. Bogolyubov (Dubna), L.P. Csernai (Bergen), R. Fiore (Calabria),K. Goulianos (New York), V.G. Kadyshevsky (Dubna),B. Loehr (DESY), V.A. Matveev (Moscow),
A. Papa (Calabria), E. Predazzi (Torino), A. Radyushkin (JLab), V.A. Rubakov (Moscow),
A.N. Sissakian (Dubna), H.Terazawa (Tokyo), N.E. Tyurin (Protvino), A.G. Zagorodny (Kiev)
Subject & program:
- Elastic and diffractive scattering of hadrons and nuclei
- Deep inelastic scattering, multiparticle dynamics
- Spin and polarization
- Collective properties of the strongly interacting matter
- Astroparticle physics and cosmology
- Heavy flavors and hadron spectroscopy
- Duality, strings, and confinement
- The standard model and beyond
- Advances in quantum field theory
- Condensed matter in QCD
- Integrable systems
- New physics at future colliders
- Beam physics and new detector technologies
- Utilization of nuclear energy
Lectures and review talks will last typically from 35 to 45 minutes plus
10 minutes for discussions. For original contributions, 15
to 30 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussions will be provided. Working
sessions will be scheduled for the morning after breakfast, and for the
evening before and after dinner, while much of the daytime, before
and after lunch, will be reserved for discussions and leisure.
Standard projection
facilities (viewgraph and beamer with a computer) will be provided.
Site and fees
The Conference will be held in the comfortable hotel Parus, close to the beach, on Crimea's southern coast, 6 km away from downtown Yalta. Address: Alupkinskoye Chaussee, 4, Yalta, Gaspra-4, 98664, Ukraine. Tel:(380654) 247418, 247565, 247478, 247368. Standard equipment for presentations (overhead projector and power point-beamer) will be available.
Climate & leisure:
The climate in the area is typically Mediterranean. Sportswears and touristic equipment (for swimming, mountaineering, lawn tennis, etc.) are recommended. Post-conference tours, e.g., to Odessa, Sevastopol (Sebastopolis), Hersones (ancient Greek polis), Bakhchisarai (ancient Tartar capital), Sudak (Genoa fortress), Novy Svet and other touristic sights may be organized by individual request.
Local Organizing Committee
Volodymyr Magas, Yura Stelmakh, Olga Ugrumova, Zoya Vakhnenko and V.I. Zasenko (Chairman)