New Trends in High Energy Physics

Preliminary programme

Sept. 15, Saturday

10.00-19.00: Arrival and Registration

19.30: Welcome Party

Sept. 16, Sunday

8.00-22.00: Registration

10.00: Opening

Morning session

Chair: Bogolyubov, P.N.
10.15: Slavnov, A.A. (25+5) Gauge-invariant infrared regularization of the Yang-Mills theory
10.45: Lipatov, L. (25+5) Anomalous dimensions of the twist-2 operators and the Regge asymptotics in N=4 SUSY
11.15: Fadin, V. (25+5) BFKL approach and dipole model

11.45-12.15 Coffee break

Lunch 14:00-15:00

Afternoon session

Chair: Danielewicz, P.
17.00: Polyakov, M. (25+5) Tomography for amplitudes of hard exclusive processes
17.30: Mueller, D. (25+5)  Towards a fitting procedure for deeply virtual Compton scattering
18.00: Greco, M. (in collab. with Ermolaev and Troyan) (25+5) Polarized DIS
18.30: Kaidalov, A. (25+5) Some puzzles of B-decays

Dinner 19:00-20:00

Evening session

Chair: Slavnov, A.A.
20.00: Ishida, M. (25+5) Test of the universal rise of hadronic total cross-sections at super-high energies
20.30: Szymanowski, L. (25+5) Exclusive J/Psi and Upsilon hadroproduction and the QCD Odderon
21.00: MankocBorstnik, N. (25+5) A new way to families of quarks and leptons

Sept. 17, Monday

Morning session

Chair: Begun, V.
9.00: Bifani, S. (25+5) Low Energy QCD and CPT Tests in the NA48 Experiment
9.30: Biino, C. (25+5) Semileptonic decay results and new prospects
10.00: Valdata, M. (25+5) CPV in Na48 experiment

10.30-11.00 Coffee break

Lunch 14:00-15:00

Afternoon: Excursion

Dinner 19:00-20:00

Evening: Free time

Sept. 18, Tuesday

Morning session

Chair: Sinyukov, Yu.
9.00: Orava, R. (25+5) Forward Physics at the  LHC
9.30: Schicker, R. (25+5) Low mass diffractive systems at LHC
10.00: Ren, Zh. (25+5) ATLAS Commissioning, Preparations and Prospects for Early Physics
10.30: Monatanari, A. (25+5) Searches for new physics and electroweak measurements at HERA
11.00: Bunyatyan, A. (on behalf of H1 and ZEUS Collab.) (25+5) QCD measurements at HERA

11.30-12.00 Coffee break

Lunch 14:00-15:00

Afternoon: Free time

Dinner 19:00-20:00

Evening session

Chair: Karpenko, Yu.
20.00: Zarubin, P. (25+5) Peripheral fragmentation of relativistic nuclei as experimental tool for nuclear physiscs and astrophysics
20.30: Davydov, Yu. (Dubna/TRIUMF) (25+5) Precise measurement of Michel parameters in muon decay
21.00: Larin, I. (25+5) Precision Measurement of the Neutral Pion Life Time: New Results from the PrimEx Experiment
21.30: Gevorkian, S. (15+5) Extraction of the pion radioactive decay width from the PrimEx experiment

Sept. 19, Wednesday

Morning session

Chair: Magas, V
9.00: Kitching, P. (25+5) The T2K neutrino oscillation experiment
9.30: Bernabei, R. (25+5) Direct detection of Dark Matter particles in the galactic halo
10.00: Wilczynski, H.  (25+5)  Pierre Auger Observatory in 2007
10.30: Heinzelmann, G. (25+5) Highlights from TeV-Gamma-Astronomy with H.E.S.S.
11.00: Slifer, K. (25+5) Recent Results from the JLab Spin Physics Program

11.30-12.00 Coffee break

Lunch 14:00-15:00

Afternoon: Excursion

Evening: Banquet (19.30)

Sept. 20, Thursday

Morning session

Chair: Jenkovszky, L.
9.00: Gaz'dzicki, M.  (25+5)  Onset of deconfinement in nucleus-nucleus collisions - past, present and future
9.30: Bratkovskaya, E. (25+5)  Signals for the QGP phase transition - a view from microscopic models
10.00: Antoniou, N. (25+5)  The QCD critical point in nuclear collisions
10.30: Nikitin V. (25+5) V.I.Veksler centennial - research at Sinchrophasotron

11.00-11.30 Coffee break

Chair: Gaz'dzicki, M.
11.30: Greiner, W. (25+5) Clusters of Matter and Antimatter
12.00: Danielewicz, P. (25+5) Viscosity in Nuclear Reactions at Low and High Energies
12.30: Alberico, W. (25+5) Quarkonia in the deconfined phase: potential models and lattice correlators
13.00: Mrowczynski, S. (25+5) Color instabilities in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

Lunch 14:00-15:00

Afternoon: Free time

Evening Party (19.00)

Sept. 21, Friday

Morning session

Chair: Mrowczynski, S
9.00: Sinyukov, Yu. (25+5) Initial conditions and phases transitions in heavy ion collisions
9.30: Jenkovszky, L. (25+5) Metastability and fluctuations
10.00: Turko, L. (25+5) Multicomponent dissipative hydrodynamics in heavy ion collision
10.30: Magas, V. (25+5) Bjorken model with Freeze Out

11.00-11.30 Coffee break

Chair: Bratkovskaya, E
11:30: Zborovsky, I. (25+5) Scaling features of particle production in AA collisions at RHIC in Z-presentation
12.00: Begun, V. (2+5) Pion Bose Condensation in High Multiplicity Events
12.30: Gorenstein, M. (25+5) Signatures of Deconfinement in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

Lunch 14:00-15:00

Afternoon: Excursion

Dinner 19:00-20:00

Evening session

Chair: Gorenstein M.
20.00: Hauer, M. (25+5) Multiplicity fluctuations in relativistic nuclear collisions: Statistical model versus experimental data
20.30: Konchakovszki, V. (25+5) Multiplicity fluctuations in nucleus-nucleus collisions: centrality and energy dependence
21.00: Karpenko, Yu. (25+5) Particle production in hydrokinetic approach to A+A collisions
21.30: Moroz, O. (15+5) Viscosity in the VdW hadron gas

Sept. 22, Saturday

Morning session

Chair: Polyakov, M.
9.00: Shirkov, D. (25+5) Analytic perturbative QCD - from t-quark to K-meson scale
9.30: Bakulev, A. (25+5) Fractional Analytic Perturbation Theory in Euclidean and Minkowski Regions
10.00: Concluding discussion on new trend in high-energy physics
