List of contributions
Azizi, Karem: Mass and Magnetic Moments of Heavy Flavored Baryons in QCD
Below, Konstantin, On the first ANITA flight
Bondarenko,M.: Generation of Polarization in Hadron Quark-Exchange Reactions in the Regge Domain
Bucci, Francesca: pi-pi scattering lengths from Ke4 and K3pi decays at NA48/2
Buschhorn, Gerd: The new H1 results for FL (just presented at ICHEP) and an update of the proton pdfs (combined H1 and ZEUS)
Carrettoni, Marco Results of CUORICINO and the Perspectives of CUORE
Chukanov, Artem: OPERA experiment: status report
Corcella, Gennaro: Heavy-quark fragmentation with an effective strong coupling
Dvoeglazov, Valeriy: Lorentz-covariant theories of higher spin fields
Frlez, Emil: Precise Measurement of the \(\pi^+\to e^+\nu\) Branching Ratio
Gavrin, Vladimir: Staatus and future plans of SAGE
Jenkovszky, L.L.: TBA
Keane, Declan: Heavy-Ion Excitation Functions at Brookhaven: from AGS to RHIC
Larin, Ilys: Results from the PrimEx Experiment: A Precision Measurement of the pi0 Lifetime
Khramov: E.: ATLAS first results
Klapdor-Kleingrothaus H.V: The first evidence for total lepton number violation – discovery of neutrinoless double beta decay – and the next steps
Krivosheina Irina: Dreams and reality of using naked Ge detectors in liquid nytrogen – status of genius - TF
Lindner Rolf: LHCb status: Installation, commissioning and prospects of early physics
Myagkov A.: Status of the Atlas experiment
Papa, Angela: The ME4 Experiment: search for \(\mu^+\to e^+ \gamma\) decay
Pimenta, Mario: AUGER recent results
Pinfold, James: MoEDAL Experiment at the LHC
Ruggiero, Giuseppe: ChiPT tests and radiative kaon decays
Shaykhiev, Artur: Update from E949: new results for \(K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu\nu\) at low \(\pi^+\) momentum
Vysotski V.I. 1) Neutrinization and protonization of nuclei in .the superdense electron-nuclear substance and ...2) Investigation of hypothetical light magnetic monopoles...
Zeitnitz, Christian:: Detector Upgrade Activities
Zinchenko, Andrei : Ke2/kmu2 and LFV tests