Sept. 27, Saturday
10.00-19.00: Arrival and Registration
19.30: Welcome Party
Sept. 28, Sunday
8.00-22.00: Registration
10.00: Opening
Morning session
10.15: Taczanowski (35′) Symbiotic Nuclear-Coal Systems for
Fuel Production
10.50: Deptula (35′) Sorption of Uranyl Cation on Sol-Gel-Derived
Hydroxyapatite (Nuclear waste transmutation using accelerator driven systems)
11.25-11.55 Coffee break
11.55: Kilim (35′) Determination of high energy spallation neutron spectruym on
U/Pb-assembly "Energy plus Transmutation" irradiated with 1.6 and
2.52 GeV deutron beam from Nuclotron accelerator
12.30: Szymanski (30') Remarks on Muon Radiography
Lunch 13:00-14:00
Afternoon session
16.00: Zinchenko (30′) Ke2/kmu2 and LFV tests
16.30: Genta (25′) Performance of the CMS Tracker from physcs triggers
16.55: Mersi (25′) CMS Tracker upgrade issues and plans
17.20: Nikitin V. (30') On the pentaquark observation at the Protvino SVD, U-70;
Dinner 19:00-20:00
Evening session
20.00: Azizi (35′) Mass and Magnetic Moments of Heavy Flavored Baryons in
20.35: Bondarenko (35′) Generation of Polarization in Hadron Quark-Exchange
Reactions in the Regge Domain
Sept. 29, Monday
Morning Session
9.00: Bernabei (35′) First results from DAMA/LIBRA and the combined analysis
with DAMA/NaI
9.35: Pinfold (35′) MoEDAL Experiment at the LHC
10.10: Belov (35′) On the first ANITA fligh
10.35-11.05 Coffee break
11.05: Mueller (40) TBA
11.45: Zeitnitz (35′) The ATLAS Detector for the Super-LHC
12.25: Frlez (35) Precise Measurement of the pi+->e+nu Branching Ratio
Lunch 13:00-14:00
Afternoon: Excursion
Dinner 19:00-20:00
Evening session
20.00: Fomin (40′) Nuclear Burning Wave in a Safe Fast Reactor with U-Pu or
Th-U Fuel Cycle;
20.40: Tarasov (35') Slowly burning electors
21.15: Polanski (35′) Development of methods for simulation of electronuclear
21.50: Jivkov (35′) Simulation of energy deposition and neutron spectrum of
subcritical assembly irradiated with proton beam with MCNPX
Sept. 30, Tuesday
Morning session
9.00: Papa (30) The ME4 Experiment: search for mu^+\to e^+ \gamma
9.30: Ruggero (30) ChiPT tests and radiative kaon decays
10.00: Pimenta (35′) AUGER recent results
10.35-11.05 Coffee break
11.05: Sadler (30) Pion-nucleon measurements and analysis in the P11 (1440)
resonance region
11.35: Shaykhiev (30) Update from E949: new results for K^+-′pi^+\nu\nu at low
\pi^+ momentum
12.05: Larin (25) Results from the PrimEx Experiment: A Precision Measurement
of the pi0 Lifetime
Lunch 13:00-14:00
17.00: Buschhorn (35′) The new H1 results for FL (just presented at ICHEP)
and an update of the proton pdfs (combined H1 and ZEUS)
17.35: Corcella (30′) Heavy-quark fragmentation with an effective strong
18.05: Jenkovszky (20′) Deeply virtual Compton scattering and generalized
parton distributions
Banquet (19.30)
Oct. 1, Wednesday
Morning session
9.00: Faddeev (40′) A new Interpretation of the Weinberg-Salam model
9.40: Slavnov (40′) Loretz invariant gauge for the Yang Mills theory without
Gribov ambiguity
10.20: Fomin (25′) LPM effect. Theory and Experiment. (To the 100-th
anniversary of L.D.Landau).
10.55-11.25 Coffee break
11.25: Giacomelli, G. (35') Nuclear Track Detectors. Serches for magnetic
monopols, Nuclearites, Q-balls
12.00: Bopp (25′) Antibarion to barion production ratios in ′
Lunch 13:00-14:00
Afternoon: Excursion
Dinner 19:00-20:00
Evening Free Time
Oct. 2, Thursday
Morning session
9.00: Bucci (30′) pi-pi scattering lengths from Ke4 and K3pi decays at
9.30: Carrettoni (30′) Results of CUORICINO and the Perspectives of CUORE
10.00: Nikitin (25) M.A.Markov centennial ′ study of diffraction processes.
History and status of the problem
10.25: Malberti (30′) New heavy bosons serches with CMS
10.55-11.25 Coffee break
COMPLEX SOL-GEL PROCESESSES (Spent fuel reprocessing)
11.50:Kondratiev (25') TBA
Lunch 13:00-14:00
Afternoon Session
16.00: Keane (40′) Heavy-Ion Excitation Functions at Brookhaven: from AGS to
16.40: Begun (25′) Power Law in Micro-Canonical Ensemble with Scaling Volume
17.05: Konchakovski (25′) HSD transport model as a tool for studying
fluctuations in nucleus-nucleus collisions
17.30: Karpenko (25') New Results on Hydro-kinetic approach to A+A collisions
17.55: Kagan (35′) TBA
Oct. 3, Friday
9.00: Lindner (35′) LHCb status: Installation, commissioning and prospects of early physics
9.40: Chukanov (35′) OPERA experiment: status report
10..20: Khramov (35′) ATLAS first results
11.00: Myagkov (35) Status of the Atlas experiment
11.40: Nikitin V. (45') On the pentaquark observation at the Protvino SVD, U-70
12.00 Future Trends in the Conference -round-table discussion
12.30 Closing of the Conference
Oct. 3, Friday