(experiment, phenomenology, theory)
Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine,
September 3 - 10, 2011
Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna)
Institute for Theoretical Physics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Advisory Committee:
Albert De Roeck (CERN), L.D. Faddeev (St-Petersburg), V.S. Fadin (Novosibirsk), Roberto Fiore (Calabria), Dino Goulianos (New York), Hans Gutbrod (GSI Darmstadt), Igor Ivanov (Liege, Novosibirsk), Max Klein (Liverpool Univ.), Richard Lednický (Dubna), L.N. Lipatov (St. Petersburg), V.A. Matveev (Moscow) , Risto Orava (Helsinki), Pierlugi Paolucci (Naoli&CERN), Alessandro Papa (Calabria), Rainer Schicker (Heidelberg) , A.A. Slavnov (Moscow), Hidezumi Terazawa (Tokyo), A.G. Zagorodny (Kiev)
Subject & Program:
- Physics at the LHC
- The standard model and beyond
- Advances in quantum field theory
- Duality, strings, and confinement
- Heavy flavors and hadron spectroscopy
- Elastic and diffractive scattering of hadrons and nuclei
- Deeply inelastic scattering and multiparticle dynamics
- Generalized parton distributions
- Spin and polarization
- Collective properties of the strongly interacting matter
- Astroparticle physics and cosmology
- Accelerator physics and detection technologies
- Non-accelerator physics
- Applied nuclear physics
The Conference will be held in the comfortable hotel (sanatorium) "Dubna" in Alushta, on Crimea's southern coast. Lectures and invited talks, ~35 minutes each plus 5 minutes for discussion, will be held during the morning sessions. Original, shorter contributions will be delivered nainly during the afternnon/evening sessions. In view of the "multidisciplinary" nature of the meeting, all speakeres are kindly asked to present their results in a comprehensive way, understandable for the audience.Standard projection facilities (viewgraph and beamer/computer) will be provided. Free time for discussions and leisure/excursions will be provided in the afternoon.
Organizing Committee:
P.N. Bogolyubov (Dubna) and L.L. Jenkovszky (Kiev), Co-Chairmen
Elena Kolganova (Dubna), Elena Rusakovich (Dubna), Nikolai Rusakovich (Dubna), Georgiy Stelmakh (Kiev), Zoya Vakhnenko (Kiev)